1 Instant websites and hosting for residents associations (homeowners associations)
2 A community bulletin board for small groups of residents associations in an area.
No design effort by residents association. Website is up as soon as information on the association is filled in on simple forms presented. Free for 30 days. The small fee thereafter for hosting is more than recouped by advertisements on the website by merchants in the area of the residents association.
A free bulletin board for approximately 2000 residences. If the number of residences in a single residents association exceeds 2000, the bulletin board will be only for that residents association. Otherwise nearby residents associations have a common bulletin board. For example four residents assoications that together have 2300 residences will share a bulletin board. Having a large number of residences, but not too large, ensures that posts on the board reaches a large area. The community bulletin board of nearby residents associations is not carried on the websites of the residents associations. Rather, it is provided as a stand-alone Bulletin Board of OurArea.
2 Board Members
20 Members
20 Gallery
10 Events
3 Advertisement
10 Board Members
50 Members
100 Gallery
40 Events
10 Advertisement
20 Board Members
200 Members
300 Gallery
100 Events
20 Advertisement